Questions & Answers



Which is the best wine to drink having a good Lasagna?

A wine not too rich in tannins, which don't exceed 13 degrees of alcohol , a wine as Pinot Nero of Puiatti, but also a Grignolino, a Teroldego or a Dolcetto can be great for the occasion.



Which is the best moment to drink a great wine?

A great wine absolutly requires the right moment to be  tasted, the right person, the right glass. You can never appreciate it during normal events written on your time-table, this is the reason why it is really important to keep a great bottle in some secret place in order to drink it during a non-written special occasion.



 In your shop people can notice the sentence "Il vino è musica liquida", what does it mean?

Wine is nothing but liquid music. When somebody dare to tell you that there's no music in wine, no poetry and so on, when they will dare to say that wine is nothing but a product as many others in the world, remember that Macchiavelli said to make the effort to lean a champenois glass near to your ear in order to hear the merveillous sound of the sparkling wine. You will notice that each bubble plays a different note: one is faster, one is slower, one is sweater and more fragile, one other is sharper, and they crazily and inexorably follow each other to the point of realizing a wonderful ballet, a sparkling melody.


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